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GovComms Ep 170 Alfred & David

A podcast by contentgroup, GovComms explores our industry through conversation with industry greats, experts and innovators from around the world. Hosted by our Founder and CEO David Pembroke, we share with you insights from our years of experience and through the vast knowledge of our guests. Whether you’re an industry professional or just starting out, this podcast is a must listen.

EP#28: Corporate affairs and content - a regulatory perspective

Matthew is head of media, government relations, internal communications, publications, and the internet at the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

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EP#27: Strenthening government communications - how and why

Sheena Ireland is the founder and director of communications consultancy: Specialists in Communications. She has held senior communications positions in government and industry, including areas such as science and research, automotive, arts, and sport. Her 16 years of experience working with ...

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EP #25: Bridging the trust divide

Professor Mark Evans (Ph.D.) is Director of Democracy 2025 and Professor of Governance at the Institute for Governance and Policy Analysis.

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EP #24: May I have your attention please

Simon Troeth is Director – Media at the Minerals Council of Australia. He has a long and distinguished career in both the media and politics. Simon started his career as a print journalist, working for the Herald Sun and several other newspapers before moving into politics where he spent 15 years ...

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EP #19: The evolution of communication and leadership

As one of the leading and most experienced communicators in Australia, Adrian Cropley shares with us the growing functionality of combining communication and business and the role that plays in successful leadership.

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EP #14: Strategic communication and gamification, where two worlds collide

What do you know about ‘gamification’? Or more importantly government gamification? This week on GovComms we talk with Kerstin Oberprieler, a leading expert in the field, about what it means for the future of government communication and audience engagement.

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EP #13: Knowing what your audience wants through effective measurement

FIND GOVCOMMS WHEREVER YOU LISTEN TO PODCASTS In another episode in our solo masterclass series, this week David takes you through the processes of ‘measurement and evaluation’ within the content group Content Communication Methodology and using audience measurement.

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EP #09: Building capability in your communication team

This week on GovComms we explore the biggest problems faced in government communication, but more importantly, we provide answers to solve them. The secret? Tools to assist in building capability.

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EP #06: How to successfully navigate government communication

FIND GOVCOMMS IN YOUR PODCAST APP. This week on GovComms we talk with Neryl East, an experienced government communicator, about how to successfully and positively navigate change in our industry.

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