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EP #14: Strategic communication and gamification, where two worlds collide

What do you know about ‘gamification’? Or more importantly government gamification? This week on GovComms we talk with Kerstin Oberprieler, a leading expert in the field, about what it means for the future of government communication and audience engagement.

While it may appear as an odd concept, it’s something that’s always been around us. Whether it’s frequent flyer miles, points at your favourite retailer or your Fitbit, gamified systems are all around you. And what Kerstin and her company PentaQuest are trying to achieve is integrating it into much more than just a loyalty system and audience engagement.

More than just sharing photos and videos, gamification engages your audience and embeds them into your content giving them a personal, hands-on experience. Find out how the inner workings of gamification fit perfectly into strategic communication by looking at specific Australian Government examples.


  • Government gamification, where two worlds collide
  • The similarities between strategic gamification and communication
  • What gamification looks like in the real world – online and offline
  • Government examples of gamification to reach niche, specific audiences
  • Gamification as a tool to enhance external and internal communication

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