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From Analogue to Digital with Alex Aiken (2015)

Welcome to the first episode of a new season of the Govcomms podcast, "From the Vault." In these episodes, we travel back in time to the best conversations we had on the podcast with leaders, experts, and innovators in communications from around the world.

This time, we will be revisiting an interview from 2015 with Alex Aiken, the Executive Director of Communications for the United Kingdom (UK) Government.

"Those old skills about writing and crafting and drafting, they'll still have a role... Media officers can produce content and tweet and blog and write briefings..." - Alex Aiken.


In this interview, Alex explains to host David Pembroke his approach to modernising government communications in the UK, the changing expectations of citizens, and the need to move from analogue to digital communication. They also delve into how digital communication has improved the delivery of government services, the challenges of government communicators and much more.

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To access the transcript for this episode: InTransition Episode #1 – Interview with Alex Aiken, Executive Director, UK Government Communications

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