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EP #116: All Things Evidence-based Policymaking


EP #116: All things evidence-based policymaking

This episode of the GovComms Podcast features a conversation between contentgroup CEO and founder David Pembroke and Adam Rowland from the commonwealth department of health.

Over his career Adam has spent around 15 years in the private sector, working in evidence-based consulting. This has included roles in large consulting firms like Kantar Public and Ipsos, as well as some time spent in running his own company, Better Intelligence.

The pair begin by discussing evidence-based policymaking, delving into how this area is growing because of technological development and new digital demand.

David asks what government communicators need to keep in the front of their minds when contributing to effective research; leading to a discussion on clear objectives and scope of what you are trying to achieve.

David and Adam end by touching on Adams views of what is required for communication and engagement to grow in terms of teams in the future.

Discussed in this episode:

  • Assembling a research programme
  • Tips for establishing and contributing to effective research
  • The growth of communication and engagement


About the Author

Adam Rowland works for the Australian Immunisation Register at the Australian Department of Health as well as Chief Intelligence Officer at Better intelligence. Within his role at Better intelligence, Adam primarily focuses on helping public sector c...