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"If you did something that wasn't risky and no one even looked at it, what was the point? I don't think it's successful communication. It might be good internally...but if you're actually thinking about who you're communicating with and what you did no one saw and no one interacted with, I don't think that's worth it.' - Tim Price

On this weeks episode of GovComms, host and CEO of contentgroup, David Pembroke, is joined by Tim Price the new digital content and social media manager at the Federal Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet.


David begins by exploring where Tim's career began - working for Will Smith and DJ Jazzy Jeff. Tim explains "when I look back on my career, I was like, "Well, that's really where it all started." Back then, there was no such thing as a digital career. There was no such thing as a career in social media. So I travelled the wave of the constantly changing nature of digital and social media and into government as well."

The pair discuss the challenges of a new narrow cast world and the importance of building a sense of community no matter the type of communications you are executing.

On top of this, the one key takeaway from this episode is the importance of building connections. Tim explains that making connections with individuals throughout your organisation can greatly benefit you when it comes to having a seat at the table from the get-go.

"For people who work across various government departments, you really need to get in on the conversation very early. I think if you are sitting in a space where you just get things at the end and they're all approved and all you're doing is putting that message out, it's very hard to change things at that point. Whereas, if you're brought in early or you worked to build up those relationships where you get brought in early on a project, you can work on those things at the very start. "

In this episode, we also break down:

  • Why evidence is so important in strengthening the argument for your strategy.
  • The importance of building connections
  • What tactics you can use to better grab the attention of your audience.

The Transcript for this episode can be found here: EP#134 The Key to Captivating your Audience - Tim Price 

About the Author

Tim Price is a writer, poet and storyteller who has been creating digital and social media content for over 25 years. He has developed and project managed many digital and social media channels for Universities, Emergency Services, Government and Ent...